
The Eco-Schools programme encourages our pupils to take an active role in how their school is run for the benefit of the environment, highlighting the importance of social values. The Eco-Schools methodology encompasses seven steps that our school has adopted. The process involves a wide range of stakeholders, but our pupils play the central role. After a period of participation, an evaluation of the success of these initiatives and the methodology is undertaken, and the whole Eco-Schools programme is assessed.

We have been awarded our 4th Green Flag Award. After previously achieving Bronze, Silver and Gold Eco-Schools status, we have also achieved the Platinum Award. This is a fantastic achievement and we are all very proud of the hard work that has gone on over many years.  We will continue to strive for excellence.

Eco Councillors

Foundation Phase

Key Stage 2

Some of our past projects...

  • We developed a recycling area in the infant site. We began recycling crisp packets and used/old pens at our school. The posters were created by the school/eco councillors and the Criw Cymraeg outline which packets can and can't be recycled. 

  • We asked parents to donate old clothing for the Dragon Bag recycling scheme. We raised nearly £80! We spent half of this on ingredients to make bird feeders and made these and put them around the school grounds.